Our new blog begins with Fall 2015 travel so please visit us there. Jeannietx22.com
Jim and Jeannie at Bridal Falls, North New Zealand February 2013

I believe that every day when we wake up and get out of bed, we have the power to decide if today will be a good day…. or not.
As long as we wake up on the right side of the grass, and reasonably healthy, we are blessed.
“And the day came when the wish to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin
“When a negative thought/emotion comes a’ knocking, just like with a burglar, don’t ignore it, but for heavens sake, don’t invite it in and entertain it!” Juliette Millien
Don’t waste these moments, we don’t get them back again.
Life is but a journey, with the ending just as important as the beginning
I hope you see somewhere here that will inspire you.
“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be.”
Robert Browning
Enlarging photos– Because this site is so photo heavy it will take a couple of seconds to enlarge the individual photos. Just double click and the photo will open for you.
I have built a second travel website to share a little info and a lot of pictures. The new website begins with our Fall 2015 travel experiences and pictures. Jeannietx22.com
There are a lot of click-able links throughout the website.